Fifteen years ago, three childhood friends, Geki, Sherry and Okuma, were star-gazing and became inspired to go into space. As adults, Geki and Okuma...
Space Cop Gavan The Movie
On the night before ‘Black Friday,’ which is the one of the busiest commerce days, a cardboard box, that is delivered from the world's...
Last Mile
Yasuda, a young head of the Morisada clan of the Keihin Union, wonders if the murders of his gang member Iwami and his girlfriend were the work of...
The Great Clash - Endless War
The war between the Morisada clan of the Keihin Rengo and the Fujioka Sogyo of the Kurokawa clan seemed to have ended when Yasuda, a young leader of...
The Great Clash - Endless War 2
Life Is Dead