Juice=Juice Concert 2020 ~Tsudzuiteiku STORY~ Miyamoto Karin Sotsugyou Special (Juice=Juice コンサート2020...
Juice=Juice Concert 2020 ~Tsudzuiteiku STORY~
OTODAMA SEA STUDIO 2018 ~J=J Summer Special~ was Juice=Juice's 2018 summer live at OTODAMA SEA STUDIO. It took place on August 6, 2018. The DVD was...
Juice=Juice OTODAMA SEA STUDIO 2018 ~J=J Summer Special~
Juice=Juice and Country Girls' joint 2019 live. The first live was held on February 14, 2019 at Zepp Namba. The second live was held on March 11,...
Juice=Juice & Country Girls LIVE ~Yanagawa Nanami Sotsugyou Special~
Juice=Juice's one-day concert at Nippon Budokan. It took place on November 20, 2017.
Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017 FINAL at Nippon Budokan ~Seven Squeeze!~
Juice=Juice's 2018 one-day concert at Nippon Budokan. It was held on October 29, 2018
Juice=Juice's summer 2019 fanclub event. Two shows took place at Yamano Hall on August 30, 2019.
Juice=Juice FC Event 2019
Juice=Juice FC Event 2019 ~Meri Kuri×Juice×Box IV~ (Juice=Juice FCイベント2019...
Juice=Juice FC Event 2019 ~Meri Kuri×Juice×Box IV~
Karin Miyamoto's last DVD magazine has a lot of plans unique to the end, such as looking back on past activities with rankings and photos, and...
Juice=Juice DVD Magazine Vol.30
Ahead of their concert at Yoyogi National Gymnasium First Gymnasium, the members enjoy talking while eating Kudo Yume's and Matsunaga Riai's favorite...
Juice=Juice DVD Magazine Vol.25
Joint concert tour featuring members of the M-line club, namely Michishige Sayumi, Tanaka Reina, PINK CRES., Suzuki Airi, Kudo Haruka, Miyamoto...
M-line Special 2021 ~Make a Wish!~
Continuing from the previous work, this time, we will deliver a talk between the members who visit the fictitious cafe called "HELLO!cafe" and the...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.79
For the tour, the members were split into two teams: Sapphire and Ruby, and they would be singing old and new songs from the Hello! Project catalog....
Hello! Project 2021 Summer ~Sapphire & Ruby~
Hello! Project's 2021 autumn concert tour. It took place from September 23 to December 4, 2021, which was held at Shizuoka Culture Hall Middle Hall....
Hello! Project 2021 Autumn "Zoku・Kachou Fuugetsu"
Hello! Project's annual Hinamatsuri live. It took place on March 27 and March 28, 2021 at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 1 & 2.
Hello! Project 2021 Hina Fes ~Juice=Juice Premium~
"Which of the problems I raised will be adopted?" "Who will solve my problems and how?" This time, following the previous work, we will ask you to...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.74
We will deliver plenty of only the backstage of all 4 performances of "Hello! Project Hina Fes 2021" held in March 2021! Please enjoy the unreleased...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.72
Continuing from the previous work, this project is "HAPPY PRAISE SHOW!". We will deliver a super happy talk show where you can enjoy the points of...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.71
Special annual year-end live concert to celebrate the new year.
Hello! Project 2022 Year-End Party ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
Annual winter concert tour.
Hello! Project 2023 Winter ~TWO OF US~
Hello! Project's special annual year-end live concert to celebrate the new year, held at Nakano Sun Plaza. Disc.1 (124mins), Disc.2 (144).
Hello! Project 2021 Year-End Party ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
Hello! Project's annual Hinamatsuri live, held at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 1 & 2. Disc.1 (134mins), Disc.2 (82mins).
Hello! Project 2022 Hina Fes ~ANGERME & Juice=Juice Premium~
Hello! Project's annual Hinamatsuri live, held at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 1 & 2. Disc.1 (133), Disc.2 (90).
Hello! Project 2022 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume.'22 & Tsubaki Factory & BEYOOOOONDS Premium~
Continuing from the previous work, "Quiz Haromen asked." Pay attention not only to the respondent members who appear, but also to the reactions of...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.76
It features a duet studio performance between two active Hello! Project and/or Hello! Project OG members.
COVERS -One on One-
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall.
Hello! Project 2015 Summer ~DISCOVERY~
Hello! Project 2015 Winter ~DANCE MODE!~
Hello! Project 2015 Summer ~CHALLENGER~
Hello! Project 2016 Summer ~Sunshine Parade~
Hello! Project 2016 Summer ~Rainbow Carnival~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (91mins), Disc 2 (85mins).
Hello! Project 2016 Winter ~DANCING! SINGING! EXCITING!~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (241mins), Disc 2 (131mins).
Hello! Project 2017 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2017-2018 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2017 Summer ~HELLO! MEETING~
Hello! Project 2017 Winter ~Crystal Clear~
Hello! Project 2017 Summer ~HELLO! GATHERING~
Hello! Project 2017 Winter ~Kaleidoscope~
Hello! Project 2018 Winter ~PERFECT SCORE~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2018 Winter ~FULL SCORE~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project concert held at Sai no Kuni Kumagaya Dome Taiikukan.
Hello Pro All Stars 2018 Single Hatsubai Kinen Event ~Team Taikou Uta Gassen~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sun Plaza Hall.
Hello! Project 2019 Winter ~YOU & I~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2019 Winter ~NEW AGE~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sun Plaza Hall. Disc 1 (254mins), Disc 2 (157mins).
Hello! Project 2018 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2018-2019 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project concert held at Sai no Kuni Kumagaya Dome Taiikukan. Disc 1 (137mins), Disc 2 (100mins).
Hello! Project 2018 Haro! Fes Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2014 Summer ~KOREZO!~
Hello! Project 2014 Summer ~YAPPARI!~
Hello! Project 2014 Winter ~GOiSU MODE~
Hello! Project 2014 Winter ~DE-HA MiX~
'Behind the Scenes Footage' & 'Off-Shot' & Interviews & Performances of the 2013 Kenshuusei Lineup.
Hello Pro Kenshuusei 2013 Winter Micchaku
The H!P members are shuffled & aim for 'Best Idol Unit' playing various games to see who reaches the game board's goal first. Disc 1 (79mins), Disc 2...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.56
Hello! Project 2018 Summer ~ALL FOR ONE~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project concert held at Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition A/B Hall.
Hello! Project 2018 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume.'18 Premium~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano SunplazaHall.
Hello! Project 2018 Summer ~ONE FOR ALL~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Morning Musume.'14 concert held at Kawaguchiko Stellar Theater.
Morning Musume.'14 2014 Spring ~EVOLUTION~
Hello! Project 2015 Winter ~HAPPY EMOTION!~
Hello! Project 2018 Hina Fes ~ANGERME & Juice=Juice Premium~
Concert held at Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall.
Hello! Project 2019 Hina Fes ~Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Premium~
Hello! Project 2019 Hina Fes ~Juice=Juice Premium~
Concert held at Nakano Sun Plaza.
Hello! Project 2019 Summer 'beautiful'
Hello! Project 2019 Hina Fes ~ANGERME Premium~
Hello! Project 2019 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume.'19 Premium~
Hello! Project 2019 Summer "harmony"
THE FIERY SPEECHES. In this DVD, each of the 55 Hello! Project members talk about something they're fired up about the most! Their time limits are...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.60
Hello! Project celebrates Hinamatsuri with "Hina Theater" skits!? The members are separated into groups, draw for their roles, and improvise their...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.57
It features games (ballon-theme, cards), themed conversations, and rankings from the girls' party that did not make it into Vol.58. Disc 1 (73mins),...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.59
The members of Hello! Project are separated into teams of 4 or 5 to compete in a series of mini games based on explosive power, memory, balance, and...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.62
For this Hello! Project DVD magazine, the members make "Face Cut-out Panel New Year's Cards" worthy of the new year at the same time they have to...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.61
The members of Hello! Project are separated into teams of 4 or 5 for a situational comedy challenge! The girls have a part-time job interview at...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.63
All 13 episodes of the original program Hello Pro no Oshigoto Challenge, which was broadcasted on dTV Channel's Hikari TV Channel+ streaming service...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.64
All 6 episodes of the original program Hello Pro Kouhaku Taiko THE☆BATTLE 2019, which was broadcasted on dTV Channel's Hikari TV Channel+...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.65
The 18th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 18
The 19th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 19
The 20th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 20 2020
Is a Blu-ray set featuring Hello! Project members watching and commentating on various performances from previous concerts held in the past. Disc 1...
Hello! Project Visual Commentary ~Member Osusume Live Eizou~ ①
In this DVD magazine, the ability (luck?) of Hello! Project members is measured in a "competition of measurement (計測; haka)" such as...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.66
In this DVD magazine, the Hello! Project members play a game called "Petite Daiki", where the members have a one-on-one battle with Sawayaka Goro of...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.67
Hello! Project's annual Hinamatsuri live. It took place from March 20 to March 22, 2020 at Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall 3. Disc 1 (108mins), Disc 2...
Hello! Project 2020 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume.'20 Premium~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sun Plaza Hall. Disc 1 (110mins), Disc 2 (107mins).
Hello! Project 2020 Winter ~HELLO! PROJECT IS [ ]~
Hello! Project's annual Hinamatsuri live. It took place from March 20 to March 22, 2020 at Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall 3. Disc 1 (120mins), Disc 2...
Hello! Project 2020 Hina Fes ~ANGERME Premium~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (240mins), Disc 2 (179mins).
Hello! Project 2019 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2019-2020 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
In this DVD magazine, entitled "Hello! Project Desktop Competition 2021", two people picked up from a total of 26 people from ANGERME, Juice=Juice,...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.68
It featured solo performances by each of the members from Morning Musume.'20, ANGERME, Juice=Juice, Tsubaki Factory, and BEYOOOOONDS. Disc 1...
Hello! Project presents... "Solo Fes!"
The Juice=Juice Premium episode from the web show Hello! Project presents... "premier seat".
Hello! Project presents... "premier seat" ~Juice=Juice Premium~
Members performed mid-tempos and ballads from the Hello! Project catalog, for which they were split into 2-3 smaller sections and combined into six...
Hello! Project 2020 ~The Ballad~ Special Number
The Hello! Project Premium episode from the web show Hello! Project presents... "premier seat".
Hello! Project presents... "premier seat" ~Hello! Project Premium~
Hello! Project's special annual year-end live concert to celebrate the new year, held at Nakano Sun Plaza. Disc 1 (125mins), Disc 2 (115mins).
Hello! Project 2020 Year-End Party ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
Hello! Project's 2020 winter one-day live, held at Nakano Sun Plaza. Disc 1 (93mins), Disc 2 (98mins).
Hello! Project 2020 COVERS ~The Ballad Best Selection~
Hello! Project annual winter concert tour held at Nakano Sun Plaza. Disc 1 (87mins), Disc 2 (93mins), Disc 3 (91mins).
Hello! Project 2021 Winter ~STEP BY STEP~
Concert held at Yokohama Arena.
℃-ute 2015 Spring 9→10 Shuunen Kinen ~The Future Departure~