While combing through the belongings of his recently deceased aunt, Matsuko, nephew Sho pieces together the crucial events that sank Matsuko's life...
Memories of Matsuko
The modern-day story of a man searching for a friend who has mysteriously disappeared, with a magical tale involving strange creatures, a heartbroken...
Demon Pond
In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lures some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and...
A four-part anthology in the spirit of The Twilight Zone, this film starts off with a group of commuters stranded at a train station in the rain,...
Tales of the Unusual
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A...
Drawn by the exorbitantly high hourly wage of 112,000 Japanese yen, ten men and women gather at a mansion. Everyone thinks the simple psychology...
The Incite Mill
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble...
The Happiness of the Katakuris
As a young man returns home after his first year away at college he recalls his senior year of high school and the iron-willed, big city girl that...
Ocean Waves
The police are tracking a man who shoots at people. But the young sister of a detective finds that he's not the mad vigilante portrayed in newspapers.
Tokyo Eyes
A look a the lives of two sex workers in Tokyo: Rei, who works as an S&M dominatrix, and Ayumi, in the more straightforward profession of call girl....
A New Love in Tokyo
Aging Police / Resurrection Special
Ippei Akabane (Takaya Kamikawa) is an unpopular novelist. He barely makes ends meet writing serials novels under different pen names. Daigo Kurei...
The Serialist
Several otaku band together to save the baby of a Filipina mother.
Shichi-nin no otaku: Cult seven
In the year 2060, KEN, a 25-year-old young man raised by aliens living illegally on Earth, makes a living by selling dubious drugs, idolizing Carl...
SF Whipped Cream
It's the year 1999, Hei-shu, a long-term unemployed man, finally gets a job in a local musical band, performing at funerals and weddings. One day,...
Drop Me a Cat
Set during Japan's Shogun era, this film looks at life in a samurai compound where young warriors are trained in swordfighting. A number of...
In a near future where allergies have become an epidemic, music producer Haru half-heartedly dates post office clerk and mail thief Michi. He...
Barren Illusion
A young martial arts student gets caught up in a series of Kung Fu adventures with a woman who manages a Chinese restaurant.
Kung Fu Kid
A spell of time in the life of a family in rural Tochigi prefecture. Yoshiko is not an ordinary housewife, instead working on an animated film...
The Taste of Tea
Each time Lulu is heartbroken small stones come out of her body. The doctor tells Lulu they are kidney stones. She collects them in memoriam of love.
Seventh Anniversary
Centers around a disturbing murder case that occurs during a company trip. In the wake of the incident in which the company’s general manager...
Glass Castle
Eight love stories start and end in an amusement park.
Broken Heart
Rai pedals his bike and trailer about town, collecting old iron and sowing flower seeds. Because his face never seems to show emotion, everybody...
Kasumi Sawaki (Honami Suzuki) works for a top-ranked newspaper publishing company as a capable economic reporter. Speaking six languages fluently,...
Hero Interview
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young...
GS Wonderland
At a pawn shop called "K" which is known for being a place where backroom deals are conducted, a professional burglar named Ryo Fudo puts together a...
Our Tomorrow
Katagiri, a highly ambitious young detective, teams up with older detective Takiguchi, who is about to retire, to investigate a murder that took...
300 Million
An ordinary salaryman named Tokichi Inaba who inadvertently becomes involved in the death of a legendary hitman. Facing bankruptcy and saddled with a...
Kyo Kara Hitman
Eiji Morioka is legendary fighter, he is the 3rd and last Japanese boxing medalist. His life story is told from the eyes of his daughter Haruko, who...
Tears of Kitty
"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the...
Tokyo Rhapsody
When radicals from Japan's Red Army took a woman hostage in the resort town of Karuizawa, Nagano in 1972, Officer Atsuyuki Sassa was put in charge of...
The Choice of Hercules
The movie version of the TV series that gained cult popularity. One day, the Kirihara brothers who have supernatural powers meet a supernatural power...
Night Head
Kakekomi tells the stories of Edo women in the 1800s that escape abusive husbands and lovers by taking refuge in Tokeiji, a monastery in Kamakura.
Yosuke Misaki used to be a promising prosecutor, but he suddenly quit his job. He begins a new career as a pianist. He knocks on the door of wealthy...
Sayonara Debussy - Pianist Tantei Misaki Yosuke
Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the...
Devilman - Volume 3: Devilman Apocalypse
I Am Sukeban
A former murderer and genius chef along with a waitress come together with a group of fantastical assassins in a diner. A girl with a hollowness in...
In this contemporary documentary, the cast and the crew share their experiences of making the film.
The Making Of The Katakuris
Tamala is a cat living on Planet Cat Earth in the Feline Galaxy. In attempt to leave the Feline Galaxy, which is practically owned by a mega...
Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space
Futashika na melody