Six young women, including Katsuki Takahashi, hold a high school reunion, but their high school has been shut down. The women are happy to see each...
Girl's High School
The second live concert in the Ensemble Stars! stage series; it ran from March 25th-26th 2023 in Yokohama.
Ensemble Stars! THE STAGE -Party Live-
2205 AD. "Historic revisionists," who seek to alter history, have launched an attack on the past. When confronting, the government dispatches "god of...
Touken Ranbu: The Stage - Jyo-den: Mitsura Boshi Katanagatari
One day, Kunihiro Yamabagiri, Heshikiri Hasebe, ordered by the Lord to investigate, Realize that they have arrived at the destination. There is...
Touken Ranbu Gaiden: The Stage - Kono Yora no Odawara
This stage play is focused on Nekoma as the main team as they face off against Fukurōdani Academy and Nohebi Academy in the Tokyo qualifiers for...
Hyper Projection Play "Haikyuu!!" The Tokyo Match
Is the second stage play adaption of Haruichi Furudate's Haikyū!! series. The stage play is split into two acts and covers the second half of...
Hyper Projection Play "Haikyuu!!" Karasuno, Revival!
100 Seconds of Kenoh: Fight Battle Royale
The third Ensemble Stars Extra Stage, it adapts the stories Crossroad and Pirates.
Ensemble Stars! Extra Stage ~Destruction × Road~
An Ensemble Stars! Extra Stage which adapts the event story Meteor Impact. It ran from April 10th-May 5th 2021.
Ensemble Stars! Extra Stage ~Meteor Lights~