During the reign of Shogun Ienari Tokugawa, heir Takechiyo is found murdered with aconite-coated needles. A missing needle belonging to a palace lady...
Secrets crimes in Ooku: The Inner Chambers
Kuki is a veteran newspaper reporter who has been shuffled off to a book-development branch and finds escape in an illicit relationship with Rinko....
Lost Paradise
A stop-motion adaptation of the 1981 novel by geologist Dougal Dixon of the same name, which explores the speculative paths of evolution of modern...
After Man
Real estate company employee Komachi and steelworks heir Kodama are both train aficionados. Their hobby proves useful for their burgeoning careers,...
Train Brain Express
A Japanese soldier is forced to question alliances when he meets and falls in love with the leader of the rebel movement.
The Setting Sun
In the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a city decimated during a WWII air raid and by the...
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
A woman works as a prostitute and attendant to make a living at a bathhouse. She is athletic and is an avid runner. She has met and adopted a white...
Lake of Illusions
Japanese horror movie from 1987.
The Scent of Honey between a Man and a Woman
The daughter, who was an honor student, suddenly refused to go to school when she was in the fifth grade of elementary school. When she entered...