A film sequel to the popular series, U Motherbaker. It is a Taiwanese family comedy about culture and the challenges of transforming a traditional...
U Motherbaker - The Movie
Xiang Wei-xin, a 17-year-old high school sophomore, regards eating as the most important and most healing thing in life. The first time she met her...
My Best Friend's Breakfast
A woman who has owned a barbershop for over 40 years determines to embark on a long journey to cut the hair of an old customer who has moved away and...
Day Off
Tang Guan Guan (Serena Fang) is a single-minded and ruthless TV producer at the WTV television network. She is charged with creating a unique reality...
Nana's Game
Moon loves penguins. Her lifelong ambition is to study penguins in Antarctica. She believes she’ll meet her destined mate just like penguins...
Penguin Girl
College student Gei (Hou Yan Xi) lives with his mom Zhen Ying (Miao Ke Li) in Tamsui. His father, nineties idol Bone, disappeared 24 years ago,...
Where the River Flows
Directed by Danny Pang, "Host" tells the story of a couple of kidnappers, a domestic abuse survivor TV host, and four high school students on a...
For her debut feature Finding Sayun (不一樣的月光), Atayal director Chen Chieh-yao (陳潔瑤)...
Finding Sayun