Twin brothers, Tatsuya and Kazuya, grew up with their next door neighbor Minami like siblings. Minami's dream is that her school's baseball team will...
Haiji was an elite runner, but has not competed due to a past injury. He then meets fellow elite runner Kakeru who also left running, but caused by a...
Feel the Wind
The story is about a group of university students who inevitably gets involved in playing a game of "Horumo" - a combat match where each person...
Kamogawa Horumo: Battle League in Kyoto
Saike, Kazuki, and Takeo were abused by their respective parents and did not go to school. They stayed together at a youth detention center. To...
As bass guitarist for a garage-rock band, Scott Pilgrim has never had trouble getting a girlfriend; usually, the problem is getting rid of them. But...
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
The mystery of a corpse that suddenly kisses? A female doctor's son is suspected of murder ... Nail patterns and unsolidified blood reveal a perfect...
Forensic Classroom Case File #43