A suspense work based on the "Miyagi Incident," an attempted coup d'etat led by some officers working for the Ministry of the Defense and the General...
Mid-August Commotion
The lives of several Japanese families are shattered as the USA and the USSR move toward war, Japan finds itself caught in the middle, and Tokyo is...
World War III Breaks Out
Darling Escape
If You're Man Enough
Based on the mystery novel of the same name by Seichō Matsumoto.
The Yellow Climate
G-men of Japan fifth installment. A young detective, questioning a double suicide involving his police officer friend and a Turkish girl, travels...
G-men of Japan 5: Skyscraper Wolves
Light-hearted samurai comedy. The second son of a feudal lord runs away from an arranged marriage. He saves the life of a princess whom he gets to...
The Scarlet Cherry Lord
The great Sonny Chiba stars as Goro Saionji, a drifting thrill-seeker. Out to investigate a suspisious plane crash in the Red Valley, he uncovers a...
Drifting Detective: Tragedy in the Red Valley
Sayuri, a young woman born to a simple life on a farm, moves to Tokyo to pursue a life long dream of becoming a singer. Through dance, music, and...
With Songs in My Heart
Mr. Mito, a former president of an instant food company, with two young men’s help, solves the quality problems and wins a big ramen contract...
Tales of President Mito
Fukasaku and Chiba are back in a sequel filmed with the same cast and released just two weeks after the first film. This time the storyline is set in...
Drifting Detective: Black Wind in Harbor
A story of Minako who struggles finding love and peace in life. When Minako’s hope for ultimate happiness, marriage to her beloved...
Lakeside Figure
A samurai warrior attempts to stop Kublai Khan's Mongol hordes from overrunning Japan in the 13th century.
Mission to Hell
Woman private eye Emiko goes undercover to reveal the truth of a murder case.
Tokyo Detective Girl
Japanese mystery film.
Man of Thirteen Eyes
The film adaptation of the bestseller of the same name by Tsutomu Mizukami. A large-scale detective drama in which two newspaper reporters...
Mist and Shadows
A touching action film about a young yakuza who becomes infected with evil because he has the ability to easily decipher the mechanism of a safe....
A Man's Dark Finger