In 1969, Kenji, an elementary school kid and his friends built a secret base during their summer holidays. They fantasized that they had to fight...
20th Century Boys: Beginning of the End
Takashi Nemoto's early film work, this film brings you into Takashi Nemoto's world, and based on his famous book "The Journey of the Causal Railway"
Garo Video 2: Casual Borderline
While combing through the belongings of his recently deceased aunt, Matsuko, nephew Sho pieces together the crucial events that sank Matsuko's life...
Memories of Matsuko
Office drama wherein a mediocre salaryman struggling hard to face a dream.
There's Always Tomorrow - The Movie
Comedy about a woman who finds a new life after she loses her busband.
Faces of a Fig Tree
Meowth is in charge of the Team Rocket secret base, a mysterious place full of odd gadgets and gizmos. Desperate to impress the boss, Meowth wants to...
Pokémon: Gotta Dance!
Shimajiro and friends embark on a journey through the desert to help young Coco reunite with her mother after being separated in a fierce sandstorm.
Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis
Based on the best-selling novel by Miyuki Miyabe. The title “Mohouhan” means “Copycat”, and it tells the story of a criminal...
Copycat Killer