Set towards the end of World War II, Kaede Itakura, who leads kindergartners, and Mitsue Nonomiya, who enjoys music, persuades the parents at the...
The new film, entitled Ousama ni Nare ("Become the King"), features music and an original story by Sawao Yamanaka (guitar and vocals for The Pillows)...
Become the King
Hokori to Gensou
When his brother is taken hostage, loan shark Ginjiro must face his heartless past while attempting to shake the shadowy force threatening his life.
The King of Minami Returns: The Price of a Life
Feared loan shark Ginjiro Manda investigates a group of fraudsters when a struggling student and a widow with links to the group ask him for money.
The King of Minami Returns: Scholarship and Oreore Fraud