Kasuko, a female detective who aims at Tamiya, a doctor of medicine who manufactured an android of a serial killer. She heads alone to Tamiya's...
The Naked and the Living Dead
An erotic horror film produced with the full cooperation of Kyogoku Natsuhiko as an extra chapter in director Yamada Seiji's "Yoki Kaidan Zenshu. The...
Collection of Bizarre Ghost Stories: Special Edition - Female Detective and the Naked Autopsy Demon
Reiko is a sex robot programmed to accumulate sexual experience. She goes through seven body types to experiences a variety of couplings. She returns...
Pink film written and directed by Daisuke Yamanouchi and starring Maria Yumeno. Yamanouchi filmed it for Film House, and Xces released it...
Yumeno Maria: Chô-inran onna no shiseikatsu