Tsukushi, who works at a convenience store, fell in love with Takashi, an aspiring actor who came as a customer. A heartrending romantic comedy that...
Tsukushi's erotic story
Blowing like a wind and a cloud, a blue-eyed female ninja with a painful destiny has arrived! A blue-eyed ninja, Hijiri, is a fierce and...
Memoirs of a Lady Ninja
Sakurako (Ogura Nana) was the leader of the Jonan Ikka, a militant biker gang said to be the strongest in Ibaraki Prefecture. Sakurako's name makes...
Yankee High School Girl 6- Hachioji's Strongest Legend
For many years, numerous biker gang teams have been fighting fiercely at Seikimatsu Girls' Academy, aiming to be the top of the school... Meanwhile,...
Yankee High School Girl 7 ~Tochigi's Strongest Legend~
Higanjima is an eerie island occupied by vampires, from where none has ever come back alive. When teenager Akira hears that his missing brother has...
Vampire Island
"Tsukigaoka Gakuen" is a collection of inferior boycotts, fights, and bullying. One teacher, Mizuki Okochi, came to the cave of the problem children....
Yankee Teacher
During Japan's feudal era, Mitsuhide Akechi worked to foil Nobunaga Oda's ambition for the unification of the entire country. To this end, Akechi had...
Memoirs of a Lady Ninja 2
Story of people looking for love.
Mote Joki