A couple decide to relocate from Tokyo to the northern island of Hokkaido where they settle and establish a bakery and café called Mani. One...
Bread of Happiness
Ayaka Ichijo is a graduate student with an IQ of 200 who tries to investigate the strange deaths happening nationwide after people supposedly watched...
Sadako DX
Newspaper reporter Machiko Iari meets middle-schooler Takashi Oka at a coin laundry she frequents. Gradually, Machiko begins to feel that Takashi has...
The second Anmitsu Hime TV-movie.
Anmitsu Hime 2
After years of war against the monstrous kaiju, the world finally knows a time of prosperity and peace — but the presence of the kaiju can...
Kaiju Girls Black
巧克力与香子兰 ネコぱらOVA