Based on the popular Japanese manga series "Ginga -Nagareboshi Gin-" by Takahashi Yoshihiro, this stage musicals follow the story of an Akita dog...
Silver Fang -The Shooting Star Gin part 2 - The Battle of the Stronghold
Ash Lynx, a 17-year-old boy, is the boss of a street-kids gang in New York. One day, a man who was murdered before his eyes entrusts him with...
BANANA FISH The Stage - First Part
BANANA FISH The Stage - Second Part
Ciel is asked to investigate some strange happenings in an elite public school.
Musical Kuroshitsuji: The Public School's Secret
The first theatrical play adaptation of the popular manga series “Patalliro!”.
Patalliro! Stage Play
The second theatrical play adaptation of the popular manga series “Patalliro!”.
Patalliro! Stage Play ★Stardust Project★
Based on the Japanese manga series "Ginga -Nagareboshi Gin-" by Takahashi Yoshihiro, this stage musicals follow the story of an Akita dog Gin, the...
Silver Fang -The Shooting Star Gin part 1- The Ties of Friendship
Aki and Haru face graduation, job hunting, and the challenges of adulthood, fearing separation as they secure employment. They enjoy living together...
Let’s Eat Together, Aki and Haru: More Please!
Patalliro du Malyner VIII is the crown prince of Malynera, a kingdom that produces diamonds. Despite being ugly and mischievous, he is loyal and...
Patalliro! The Movie
2015. The last era when magic was still established. The Humane Continuity Guarantee Agency, Caldea, observes a world that can not be seen only with...
Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE: Replica; Agateram
Abducted teen Moe Koike is thrust into the Werewolf Game, where a role playing fight to the death plays out with nine other unfortunate souls.
The Werewolf Game: Mad Land