Three years after the defeat of Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis, a new threat has surfaced bent on bringing the world under his control. Geiger, using...
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water - The Motion Picture
his is the sequel to "Second Security Team," in which director Kakizaki Yuji, known for "Usuke Boys" and "Signature: Making Japan a World-Famous...
コウイン ~光陰~
This is a standalone movie, based on the long-running television series about Shogun Yoshimune. When the very foundation of the government is shaken...
Abarenbo Shogun: The Avenging Angel
Ogawa Chiiko (Chitchi to her friends) is a vertically-challenged high school student. She's only 132 cm tall (4' 4"), and she's frequently teased by...
Little Love Story: Chitchi and Sally, Four Seasons of First Love
The Shogun gets engaged to a princess who rebels against the prospect, because she wasn't consulted.
Abarenbo Shogun: The Bride of Edo Castle