The story centers around Mikage, a young woman who loses her parents when young. She grows up in a lonely household with her grandmother who dies...
When Ken, the leader of the once-notorious biker gang of Tokyo, falls in love with a barmaid, he quickly loses his rebellious ideals. The rest of the...
Crazy Thunder Road
Hiroshi Kobayashi is on the run from police who would arrest him for the murder of his girlfriend Naomi. At the same time, he wants revenge on the...
Sawaki, who used to be a socially active reportage writer, is now unemployed. The job that came to Sawaki was that of a telekura report. Now that his...
Suspicious Married Woman Telekura Report
The story revolves around a hardcore Onyanko Club fanatic who decides he wants to kill the girls to prevent the young, cute idols from getting old...
Onyanko the Movie - One Shot Crisis!
Live action adaption of Naoki Yamamoto's romantic comedy manga series.
Dance till Tomorrow
Yonigeya hompo 2
Ryo Masuda is a washed up adult video director without a leading actress. Now, he has to find someone to re-place her quick, so he can produce his...
Spanking Love
A continuation of the story of the postwar years in the Japanese Inland Sea. Now a decade has passed. Two friends meet and decide to look for the...
MacArthur's Children—Part II