Based on the first novel, Spring Snow, of Mishima Yukio's Sea of Fertility tetralogy, it follows the troubled and illicit affair between two...
Spring Snow
A soldier, swaddled in body armor, guards the border of his country. This is not an area of tension; nothing warlike happens here; all that comes...
Junichi, a seasoned sound mixer, was trying to look after his dying wife. Shaken by her illness, Junichi goes out to where he and his wife had...
Utopia Sounds
A school was built on one of the Gates of Hell, behind which hordes of demons await the moment they will be free to roam the Earth. Hiruko is a...
Hiruko the Goblin
Nozomi Kuroda is in the 2nd grade of high school. One day, she finds a letter in a classroom desk. The letter has only the word "like" written on it....
Our Secret Diary