In this swordfighting comedy, a young noblewoman falls in love with a prince of the Imperial House. By accident, she acquires the martial arts skills...
The White Dragon
President and Kung Fu Girl
A scientist discovers a chemical that can be used to make a great cure or a great virus, and a criminal sends ninjas to steal it and kill him. When...
Lethal Ninja
Ip Man reluctantly begins a series of challenges from rival kung fu schools and is soon drawn into the dark and dangerous world of the Triads.
Ip Man: The Final Fight
It's the 1940s, and the notorious Axe Gang terrorizes Shanghai. Small-time criminals Sing and Bone hope to join, but they only manage to make lots of...
Kung Fu Hustle
The remarkable true story of the early life of Ip Man, the formidable kung fu genius who would become Bruce Lee's mentor; beginning at the start of...
The Legend Is Born: Ip Man
After her boyfriend of 13 years suddenly breaks up with her, Sa Sa takes up the offer of a fully paid-for trip to Tokyo to record her recovery...
Lost and Found in Tokyo
When the women of her time had their feet bound to please men, Qiu Jin was already questioning the sexual inequality of feudal traditions....
The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake