Troubled high school student Makoto arrives in Tokyo to exact revenge from a past incident. He then falls in love at first sight with Ai, a daughter...
For Love's Sake
YO HITOTO JAPAN Concert Tour 2008 Live NHK Hall
2008 Yo Hitoto Shigusa Uta
In a distinctly contemporary Tokyo that looks backwards to the city’s disappearing past, Yoko is a writer investigating the life of a modernist...
Café Lumière
Yasutake Shingo is a newspaper reporter whose only redeeming feature is his earnestness. He meets Matsunaga Chie, who attends a music college, and...
Hana's Miso Soup
Hitoto You ★ Yumemachi Vanceking ~Hairanse~
Features Wagakki Band's concert held in January 2018 at Yokohama Arena. Features Yo Hitoto as guest.
Wagakki Band: Dai Shinnenkai 2018 Yokohama Arena - Asu e no Kokai -
A young man is sent from Japan to Taiwan in order to get his disenfranchised brother to sign away his inheritance rights.
Sakura Kiyose (Riru Yoshina), a high school student in the art club, wants to go to Tokyo to study at an art college, but her mother Tamaki (Yo...
The Cat, Me and Another Cat