The events of the series revolve around journalist Hend Allam, whose husband, a famous nuclear scientist, is assassinated by a terrorist group. Hend...
Who shot the bullets at Hind Allam
After killing an orphan boy called (Karim) with her car, (Mona) suffers a psychological shock that made her imagine that Karim lived and grew up. She...
Last Paper
On the eve of the 1919 revolution in Egypt, the friendship between Houda al-Najjar, who likes boxing, Petro, who likes to sing, and the good worker...
The Champion
A Poor young man is suddenly gets involved in a murder, then he is sentenced to death. He hides in the form of a Filipina maid.
Never Crossed My Mind
Hoping to secure his future, the undertaker Awad decides to invest in building tourist burials and takes out a loan to make his project a reality....
Awad in a Mess
The story follows a drug dealer who is exposed to many problems after he becomes accused of murder, which drives him to try to prove his innocence...
Afreet Transit
Ali is an artist, a poet, and a sailor who loves life, with a gypsy demeanor. He carries his lover Layali on the wings of his madness. They live...
Kan Youm Hobak