In a comic framework, the play revolves around the spread of a new virus that affects women over the age of forty-five, and how Amina and her family...
Amina's Dream
عودة ريا و سكينة
A satirical Kuwaiti comedy play, focusing on young people, their needs and the problems they are going through in their daily lives, and sometimes...
Al Bab Ya Shabab
شهر عسل بصل مسرحية
ستاند باي
مدينة الظلام
خمس خوات وصياد
London Apartment
Qannas Khaitan is a Kuwaiti comedy play highlighting the challenges faced by expatriates and locals in Khaitan district. Residents unite to form a...
Qannas Khaitan
New Look
A mother and her three headstrong daughters find themselves in endless humorous situations as they go through life’s daily challenges.
Her Excellency, Mum
الطابق الثاني