Confronting a mysterious enemy, the Pteranodon Yummy, Kamen Rider W receives aid from Ryu, who has infuriated Akiko by being too busy to attend her...
Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider OOO & W Featuring Skull: Movie Wars Core
Ayano Mishima works as an AD at a TV broadcasting station. She covers the mysterious death case of a young man. Before he died, he said that somebody...
The Stare
A film adaption of the manga Cat Eyed Boy by famous horror manga artist Kazuo Umezu. The film follows a strange boy with cat like features.
Cat-Eyed Boy
Set in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture in 1954, movie tells the tale of 14 year old boys: their friendships, fights among friends, and rebellions against...
Nasu Shonenki
Hana, 21-year old, is sent to a mental hospital for attempting a suicide. She suffers from hearing a deep male voice in her head almost everyday that...
Fuckin' Runaway