Comedy mini-series about doctor who cures hangoversIn the center of the plot is the story of the former doctor Grigory Mikhailovich Shtuchny, who...
Drunk Company
The trucker Fyodor Mukhin is an inveterate bachelor. Women love him, and he does not even remember everyone with whom fate brought him together. He...
In present day Moscow three childhood friends in their forties - former school band players - live their everyday lives of a police officer, a taxi...
Sasha has three problems: a girl who wants a wedding, which he cannot decide on, because he is only a veterinary paramedic and cleans the ears of...
Crazy New Year!
Остросюжетный боевик,...
Bear Hunting
Ugly Love
A TV producer is trying to get a job on a very prestigious channel. The most defenseless segment of the population in the person of a pensioner is...
Humor Me
Lotus Strike
An ordinary working class boy, like all his peers, he played football day and night and dreamed of being a striker. But no matter which team he...
Lev Yashin. The Dream Goalkeeper
Based on Edvard Radzinsky’s play "104 Pages about Love". They saw each other in a cafe. They could not meet, as in this cafe there was nobody...
Sky. Plane. Girl.
Based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The plot of the new comedy is based on the famous miniatures “Odessa Steamboat”, “Two...
Odessa Steamboat