A gripping war drama that tells the story of Maria Petrova, in whose fate, as in a mirror, the fate of the country was reflected: the daughter of a...
During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20...
This is a story of a great love facing the greatest drama of the history of Russia. Admiral Kolchak is a true war hero and beloved husband and...
A "Hitlerjugend" kind of story, set in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, based on a fictitious story from the eponymous book by Vladimir...
A funny story about the Moscow policemen travel to a small town.
Courier from 'Paradise'
Following a brawl, Captain Ignat, who is traumatised by the death of his daughter, is ordered together with a regular soldier to find a deserter and...
The Convoy
A story about a homeless teenager Chuma and her relationships with police.
Steel Butterfly
Five real-life stories of Olympic athletes of Russia. Five stories which intertwined love, betrayal, friendship. Each of these victories worth hard...
The second part of a comedy about a blogger who has to hide within the walls of a monastery from punishment on charges of insulting the feelings of...
In the Name of a Prank 2
Dimonstr saves Sasha Chyornyy and four runaway orphanage children from the police and bandits. Dimonstr is now just Dmitriy, the manager of a car...
In the Name of a Prank 3
The film "Miracle" consists of several stories united by one common idea.
Young and extremely talented dancer Yulya Olshanskaya from a small mining town draws a “happy ticket”: she is noticed by a former ballet...
The Bolshoi
YouTube star Dima causes outrage among Christians. To hide from the police and activists, he goes undercover as a pope in a small church. One month...
In the Name of a Prank