"Ciao, 2021!" - New Year's edition of the Evening Urgant program, aired on Channel One on January 1, 2022. The release parodies the festive concerts...
Ciao, 2021!
A goofy stork mistakenly delivers a baby panda to the wrong door. A bear, a moose, a tiger and a rabbit set on an arduous but fun-filled adventure...
The Big Trip
A candid film about Intar's life from the perspective of his children. In the film, they interview people close to their dad and important in his...
My Dad - Intars Busulis
Tonya Korovyak dreams of being a superstar. Dreams of fame, fans, applause and a white limousine became her obsession. If at one time ambitious girl...
Chasing Two Hares
Tiny Soviet village by the sea, in the years before the Second World War... A very young girl, Vera, falls madly in love with an older military...
Bless the Woman
The fame of the songwriter Eduard Surovy fell on the 70s of the last century, when the Comedy Club resident Garik Kharlamov, who named his odious...
Eduard Suroviy. The tears of Brighton
Famous actors and TV presenters Nikolai Fomenko and Ivan Urgant want to celebrate the holiday quietly and calmly, but, having lost their way, they...
One at Home